Call to Duty
Podcast designed to call men on to greater service, sacrifice, and holiness. Each man has a "Call to Duty", given to him by God. Tune in and find what will help you grow as a man... a man with a call to duty.
Podcasting since 2022 • 40 episodes
Call to Duty
Latest Episodes
Immediate Action Drills for the Spiritual Life with Green Beret Luke Guffey
How do you respond when you encounter the Enemy? Have you ever sat down and worked out a plan? Do you train your responses, or do you just hope that you will get it right in a time of significant stress? 1 Peter 5 refers to th...
Season 3
Episode 40

Wounds, Training, and Failure with Jake Khym of Life Restoration
This episode Luke and Pat sit down with Jake Khym of Life Restoration and the Restore the Glory Podcast to discuss the reality of woundedness in men. Listen for Jake's insights on "training" and "failure" as these are cornerstones of what...
Season 3
Episode 39

"The Fight" with Matt Leonard of Science of Sainthood
Today's episode entitled "The Fight" is with an awesome warrior brother of mine, Matt Leonard. Matt's work with "Science of Sainthood" is changing the lives of men and women around the world, drawing them into the love of Jesus and His Ch...
Season 3
Episode 38

The Origin of Call 2 Duty: Why we do what we do.
Thanks to some great brothers for reaching out and asking some good questions about the C2D Mission and Vision. Check out the latest podcast to get the backstory, the origin of the Call 2 Duty mission. Get on the website and get reg...
Season 3
Episode 37

Finding the Catholic Church at the Special Forces "Q" Course - C2D Cadre Luke Guffey
Sometimes it's when you're the most tired, cold, worn out, and in pain, that the Lord can work. One night in the cold and rain at the US Army Special Forces Qualification "Q" Course, Luke Guffey began his walk toward the Catholic Church.&...
Season 3
Episode 36